Industry Insights

Industry advice and developments from Nessit.

As cyberattacks become increasingly sophisticated, it’s more important than ever to safeguard your digital front lines. Any business, no matter how small, is a potential target for hackers. In fact, smaller businesses are often less invested in security, and therefore more vulnerable. Preventing an attack is far less costly than dealing with the aftermath. Human error is the cause of more than 80% of cybersecurity breaches, with the cost to businesses worldwide growing by more than a trillion dollars a year. This includes direct financial loss, destruction of data, theft of intellectual property, lost productivity, restoration costs, and reputational damage. 

Here are the most common cybersecurity threats, and the proactive measures your business can take to avoid them. 

Insider Threats 

Employees are both the first line of defense against cyber-attacks and the most common cause of security breaches. Insider threats – whether intentional or not – can pose significant risks to your business. Creating an internal culture that prioritizes security is essential to combat threats that target your employees. Every business should conduct comprehensive training sessions on best practices for security and the potential consequences of cybercrime. Employee education should include training about using secure and unique passwords for every account, two-factor authentication, and the importance of reporting suspicious activity. Make sure your team really understands the role they all play in keeping your entire company safe.  

Make sure your IT professionals monitor network activity for unusual or unauthorized behavior and implement strict controls to restrict employees’ access to sensitive information based on their roles. This is even more important if your company supports remote work and/or has employees who use mobile devices for business purposes. It’s smart to use mobile device management solutions which allow you to control access, enable device encryption, and remotely wipe devices that are lost or stolen.  

If your business collaborates with third-party vendors and suppliers, don’t be afraid to ask them about their cybersecurity practices. You can even include language in your agreements or contracts regarding security requirements to stay vigilant about potential risks introduced by your supply chain. 


Phishing – when an attacker attempts to gain access to personal information by posing as a legitimate contact – is the most common cybersecurity threat, responsible for 90% of all data breaches. Phishing most often takes the form of an email that appears to come from a trusted source, providing a link to click asking for a user’s credentials (username, passwords, etc) or a request to download a file. The attacker can then use the information to access the company network and steal sensitive data, or to install malware on the victim’s computer.  

Cybercriminals are adept at using social engineering to manipulate “weak links” within an organization into divulging sensitive information. One such technique is spear phishing, a targeted version of phishing where the fraudulent email is personalized for a single recipient. 

Users should be taught how to recognize and avoid phishing attempts using the following guidelines: 

  • If an email looks suspicious, do not open it and report it immediately. 
  • Don’t click on unverified email links and don’t open attachments from unknown senders.  
  • Don’t give out your login credentials to anyone. If you receive a request to change your password, verify the source first. 
  • Use unique passwords for everything and avoid using names, birthdates or other easy-to-guess information. A random password generator is the safest bet.   
  • Use two-factor authentication. 


A ransomware attack is when your company’s data is held hostage in an attempt to extort payment. This is done by installing malware that encrypts an organization’s data and makes it inaccessible until the ransom is paid. A computer can be infected with malware delivered via email or websites and the user may not be aware that their data has been compromised until it’s too late. Businesses that fall victim to ransomware face not only data theft, but lost productivity, damaged reputations, and potential lawsuits. 

To protect against ransomware, establish a robust backup system, and an IT recovery plan to ensure critical data can be restored quickly in the event of an attack. Your business should have endpoint protection solutions that can detect ransomware and mitigate threats. These solutions go beyond standard anti-virus software to secure “endpoint” devices like laptops, phones, and IoT-connected smart devices, blocking unauthorized applications, employing encryption, and allowing centralized IT monitoring. This is especially important as remote work becomes the norm and the number of endpoint devices increases. Any device with a network connection is a potential entry point for ransomware and may be targeted by cybercriminals.  

And once again, educating employees on security best practices is essential to prevent ransomware attacks. Ongoing training about the use of strong passwords, not clicking suspicious links in emails, and not opening files from unknown sources remains the simplest and most effective way to protect your business.  

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

DDoS attacks work by flooding a network, service, or website with excessive traffic in order to cause business disruption and costly downtime. This can result in problems accessing your website, slow or unresponsive servers, and error messages. IoT devices with default logins or weak security protections are particularly vulnerable to attack, which can then spread to compromise and control other devices on the network. This group of infected devices forms a robot network, or “botnet.” Botnets can be controlled by a single source and used to carry out large-scale attacks. In addition to crippling operations, DDoS attackers may attempt to extort payment in return for stopping the attack. 

Network administrators should make sure all devices are secure, and closely monitor network traffic. DDoS protection services can be employed to detect abnormalities and identify and filter out illegitimate traffic before the server is overwhelmed. Distribute resources across multiple servers and locations to ensure that a single point of failure can’t bring down your entire infrastructure. 

So What Should Your Business Do?

Be proactive by implementing robust security strategies. Create comprehensive employee training to protect sensitive information and maintain the trust of customers and business partners. Partner with a Managed IT firm who will have your back every step of the way.  

In today’s fast-paced digital world, technology is the driving force behind organizational success. A well thought out IT strategy can be a game-changer, propelling your business to new heights. Conversely, neglecting your IT systems for too long can be a costly mistake, leading to a host of problems, from security vulnerabilities to operational inefficiencies. The good news is that it’s never too late to turn things around.

Here’s how to revitalize your IT strategy and get back on the right track.

Assess Your Current IT Landscape

The first step in reviving your neglected IT is to conduct a comprehensive assessment. Take a hard look at your existing IT strategy–infrastructure, software, hardware, and documentation. What’s working, and what isn’t? Where have you fallen behind in terms of technology adoption or innovation? Identify areas of weakness, potential security risks, and technical debt. This assessment will serve as the foundation for your IT revitalization plan.

Develop a Clear IT Strategy

Now that you understand the current state of your IT, it’s time to chart a course for the future. First, define both your short-term and long-term objectives. What do you want your IT infrastructure to achieve, and how does it align with your business goals? Next, create a strategic plan that outlines your IT goals, budget, and timeline for improvements. This plan should align with your organization’s overall objectives, ensuring IT supports your business rather than hindering it.

Prioritize Cyber Security

Neglected IT systems are often vulnerable to security threats. Start by assessing and shoring up your security measures. This includes updating software, implementing strong passwords and two-factor authentication, and educating your employees about cybersecurity best practices. Consider bringing in a security expert to perform a thorough audit and make recommendations.

Upgrade and Modernize

Outdated hardware and software can slow down your operations and hinder productivity. Prioritize replacing systems that are outdated and eliminating those that no longer serve your organization’s needs. Determine which technologies will help your business operate, encourage innovation, and drive growth, and allocate resources to modernize your IT infrastructure. Invest in technologies that will streamline operations and empower employees, boosting both efficiency and effectiveness. This may include migrating to cloud-based solutions, mobile technologies, virtualizing servers, or updating legacy applications. 

Implement IT Management Tools

Every area of your organization–from finance to procurement to HR–is affected by IT management, and effective management requires the right tools and processes. Start by identifying pain points and inefficiencies so you have a clear idea of what you need from your IT management software. Engage with your stakeholders about what functionalities they would like to see included. Then you’ll be able to research and invest in IT management software that will monitor and maintain your systems effectively. These tools can provide real-time insights, automate routine tasks, and alert you to potential issues before they become critical.

Build a Skilled IT Team

IT neglect is often due to a lack of expertise and/or manpower. For businesses that don’t have the resources or desire to hire a full team of IT professionals, outsourcing IT management can be a cost-effective solution. Consider hiring IT professionals who can either support your internal IT team, or fully manage and maintain your systems, and keep your business safe from cyberattack. 

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Backup and disaster recovery are critical components of IT management for many compelling reasons. Data is often a company’s most valuable asset and losing it can have serious consequences, whether it’s customer files, financial data or intellectual property. A data breach can also erode customer trust and damage your company’s reputation.

Downtime can be costly. When an IT system fails, your business can’t operate effectively. Backup and disaster recovery solutions are designed to minimize downtime and swiftly restore systems, reducing lost productivity and revenue. Whether data loss is due to human error, natural disaster, or hardware or software failure, comprehensive backups allow your business to quickly stabilize, minimizing the impact. 

Don’t wait until data loss or a system failure occurs to recognize the importance of a backup and disaster recovery plan. Establish procedures and test your disaster recovery plan to ensure that your data is secure and recoverable in case of a catastrophic event. There are expenses involved in setting up and maintaining a robust backup and disaster recovery system, but the potential savings in the event of a disaster far outweighs the cost. 

User Training and Support

Your employees are a crucial part of your IT ecosystem. Provide ongoing training to ensure they’re equipped with the right skills, and understand how to use IT resources efficiently and securely. Collaboration and communication across all levels of your organization is essential. Make sure that every department understands the role IT plays in achieving business objectives, and empower your IT professionals to take the lead in executing your strategy. Establish a helpdesk or IT support system to address employee concerns and troubleshoot issues promptly.

Review, Maintain, and Adapt

Reviving your neglected IT strategy is not a one-time effort; it’s an ongoing process. Make sure you schedule regular maintenance and monitoring of your IT infrastructure. Perform updates, patches, and security scans as needed to keep your systems up-to-date and secure. Regularly review your strategy and assess its effectiveness. Stay informed about emerging technologies and trends, and be ready to adapt your IT strategy accordingly. Continuous improvement is essential to avoid falling back into a state of neglect.

Neglected IT systems can be a significant liability, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent setback. By reassessing your strategy, defining clear objectives, prioritizing security and training, and embracing new technology, your organization can get back on the right track. Invest in skilled personnel, a robust backup and disaster recovery plan, and IT management tools or services and you can ensure that your IT infrastructure becomes a valuable asset that furthers your business goals. In the ever-evolving world of technology, adaptation and resilience are key to long-term success. Implement a well thought out IT strategy and watch your organization thrive.

Need help getting your IT strategy back on track? Get in touch with our experienced team or connect with us below to start the conversation.

Remote Readiness in the 2020’s

The arrival of our new decade — and the pandemic that came shortly after — changed where and how we all work. That change came far more rapidly than any of us could have imagined.  

While the businesses with mature IT systems were able to weather the storm with relative ease, many businesses with less mature IT systems were forced to make drastic changes without being afforded the luxury of time to research and plan for the transition.  

As a result, many businesses were effectively forced to overpay for IT solutions that didn’t quite suit their needs.  

What is IT Maturity?

IT Maturity is about how effective and efficient a company’s IT systems are in relation to their people, products and processes. A company who follows best practices, understands the full landscape of their IT systems, and regularly invests in their technology would be seen as having mature IT systems.  

How To Be Remote Ready

At Nessit, we take remote readiness extremely seriously. As the IT partner for each of our clients, we are only as successful as our least successful remote team.  

Having successfully managed this transition to remote work for countless clients and for Nessit itself, we know a thing or two about remote readiness.  

For example, we helped a client with a desktop-only environment develop a mature IT system tailored to their specific needs which would allow for secure remote access into existing desktop infrastructure.  

This enabled the client to save ~$30,000 in upfront capital expenditures and a further ~$2,000 per month in recurring management costs. Over the course of the next 5 years, that amounts $150,000 in cost savings for a system that perfectly suited their needs.   

Another client had an IT system set up to accommodate team members working onsite from two separate offices. This client had no plans to move towards remote work; as such, they had previously been putting most of their IT budget towards on-premise enhancements.  

We were able to help them seamlessly transition to 100% remote work with minimal additional upfront capital expenditures by guiding them towards long-term cloud-based investments in their IT systems to allow for enhanced current and future use.  

For those unaccustomed to managing a remote workforce or simply seeking to streamline an immature or bloated incumbent IT solution, preparing for remote work — or even knowing what questions are most important — can seem like a daunting task.  

Here are the questions we ask when helping any company find the mature IT solution that best suits their needs for remote work. Asking these questions is a great place to start to ensure your team remains productive, efficient, streamlined, and collaborative, so that your business can weather any storm.  

Can I Run My Business Remotely, Today?

The first question is to determine which of the following three categories your business currently falls within.  

  • Assumptive Yes: We planned for this! We still have some questions, but are feeling confident. 
  • Maybe?: Some staff may be able to work remotely, but many are not. We’re not totally sure.  
  • Not Even Close: Remote work doesn’t fit our business model. 

If your organization is a maybe, or a not even close, ask yourself the following questions: 

Have I determined which staff members or roles can work remotely, those that can’t work remotely, and those where remote work might be possible with some changes? 

These will depend on your business and your employees. There are solutions available that allow for almost anyone to be able to work remotely, but given other business considerations, they may not make sense for you.  

Does my team have a plan in place to address systems and equipment needs of employees who may not be set up to work from home? Can employees use their personal computers?  

A great rule of thumb here is to refer to your office IT policy. If employees are not currently allowed to use personal devices on the company network, it shouldn’t be allowed at home.  

Does my team have a secure, unified video conferencing & collaboration platform to use?  

Which functionalities are “nice to haves” and which are “can’t function without it?” 

It is important that employees are able to collaborate as easily when remote as they were when it was as simple as popping into a neighboring office. The functionalities your business will need for that may be unique; seeking input from key employees can be very useful here.  

Will my company data be safe outside the office? Have we implemented two-factor authentication for sensitive applications? 

Do all devices that will be used remotely have the latest version of their operating software, security software, and line of business applications?  

Do my remote employees have access to and know how to use a business grade VPN? Have I purchased enough licenses for all the employees working remotely?  

Has my team been educated about being aware of phishing and other attacks that may take place?  

Does my company have a plan in place to regularly check in with remote staff to confirm they’re comfortable working remotely and have the tools they need?  

Unfortunately, the malevolent actors out there only become more and more sophisticated. It’s important to ensure employees are up to date as well, because the consequences of a breach can be quite severe. 

If you are in an industry with higher than usual security requirements, making sure you understand and currently comply with those requirements needs to come first and foremost.  

Each organization needs to determine what level of security is right for them in order to adequately protect company data when employees access it and work on their home WiFi, in coffee shops, and in public workspaces.  

For some organizations, Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs, are a sufficient solution when paired with two-factor authentication. Other organizations with more stringent security requirements may need device level software firewalls and/or intrusion detection and centralized reporting.  

Have I ensured there are backups of our servers  so staff can keep working when extra network traffic causes primary servers to go down? Do employees know where to backup data to ensure business continuity in the event of device failure.  

No one ever plans on a network going down or devices failing, but even so, the consequences of not being prepared for these contingencies dwarfs the cost of putting them in place.  

Does my company have guidelines in place for remote employees, including proper use of company assets and security guidelines? Does my team know about them?  

If you are only beginning the transition to remote work, such guidelines may not be formalized. Formal guidelines will provide employees with clarity about what is and is not acceptable and very well may help preempt major headaches down the road.  

Is my IT infrastructure and network designed to handle increased remote traffic?  

While your network may seem to be working just fine when everyone is onsite, changes in the demand placed on your network by a remote workforce can impact the overall functionality of your network.  

For example, when everyone is in the office, there are no restrictions on download or upload speeds. But for remote employees, the best possible download speed becomes limited to the speed of an office file upload.  

Even if fractional differences in speed don’t seem that significant, employees cannot possibly be as efficient as they could be if they are constantly waiting for things to load.  

That can be exacerbated when there are numerous programs running that occupy significant RAM. If an employee has Zoom, Teams, Excel, and other role-specific software constantly running, that employee may be spending a lot more time twiddling their thumbs than we’d like to realize.  

Have I reviewed and confirmed that existing policies and customer agreements allow us to work remotely when feasible, prudent, and contractually admissible?  

So, are you Remote Ready?

Download our checklist to share with your team.

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For your business to stay competitive, establishing an effective and efficient IT budget is essential. It goes without saying that your business depends on technology to survive, but your budget is also a tool to optimize available funding and allocate it in a way that supports your overall IT strategy. Budgeting effectively will save time and money spent on unplanned IT needs that inevitably arise in the absence of a transparent and well-thought-out plan. The process of creating a budget should help you identify deficiencies and reduce waste, as well as forecast, prioritize, and justify strategic IT expenditures. Your budget shouldn’t just be an IT “wish list.” It should serve as a blueprint to ensure funding for initiatives that align with your company’s long-term goals. 

So how do you go about creating an IT budget? 

Identify Your IT Inventory

Efficient budgeting begins with a comprehensive assessment of your current IT resources, including an inventory of hardware, software, network infrastructure, services, subscriptions, and staffing. Identifying your existing resources (along with your technical debt) is fundamental to budgeting for the future. Previous budgets can serve as a baseline and a tool–learn from the past, but don’t be afraid to make changes to support evolving business goals.  

Set Clear IT Objectives

Now that you have a clear picture of what you have to work with, it’s time to establish your IT objectives. What do you want your technology to achieve in the coming year and beyond? Your objectives might include enhancing cybersecurity, upgrading hardware, improving customer support systems, or implementing new software. A careful examination of previous years’ budgets likely brought to light areas of overspending and technical debt. Setting clear objectives will make it easier to trim fat and allocate funds more effectively.  

Prioritize and Justify IT Initiatives

Which IT investments are essential and which are nice-to-haves? Are there significant projects in the coming year that require technology upgrades or additional IT support? Spending should be prioritized to reflect the objectives you’ve set. Be prepared to clearly communicate your IT strategy, its impact, and the projected ROI of your initiatives. Present a cohesive plan and be able to articulate how your proposed budget will support overall business goals.  

Allocate Resources To IT

Divide your IT budget into categories, beginning with ongoing expenses. This should include the following: 

  1. Hardware: servers; computing equipment, for in-office and remote workers; and network infrastructure
  2. Software: subscriptions, licenses, and support contractss
  3. Personnel: both employees and outsourced staff, and expenses related to recruitment
  4. Security: cybersecurity should be a significant component of your IT budget. Security threats are ever-evolving, so allocate funds for regular security assessments, employee training, and the implementation of robust security tools. 
  5. Training: employee training is often the first thing to go when budgets get cut, but knowledgeable employees are essential to maximize the value of your tech investments.  

Your project-specific expenses should also be outlined in the same way, including any consulting fees, contract staff, and administrative costs, along with additional office space, hardware, and software required. Be realistic about costs and allow some wiggle room for unexpected expenses that may arise. Identify future investments needed to support your overall IT strategy. Leave room in your budget for scalability, including necessary upgrades and expansion of IT support staff. 

We coach our customers on the 2-3% rule for IT budgeting. If you are trying to maintain a steady state, budget 2% of your top line revenue to go toward IT. If you are looking to grow, changing business strategies or preparing for a large change in your company, budget 3%. Of that 3%, ~50% should go toward managed services and labor and ~50% on cloud licenses, your internet service provider and new hardware. 

Leveraged Managed IT Services

Outsourcing some of your IT needs to managed IT service providers can help control costs and ensure you have access to expert support when needed. Proactive monitoring and network maintenance will reduce unexpected spending and provide peace of mind.  

Budgeting for IT isn’t just about managing expenses. It’s about investing strategically to drive business growth and improve efficiency. Your budget ensures that your technology aligns with your business goals. A well-structured IT budget is your roadmap, and a vital tool for success in the digital age. 

It’s essential that engineering firms stay on top of the latest advances in technology while addressing security concerns and other challenges unique to the industry. So, what IT issues and trends should engineering firms be thinking about in 2024? 

Integrating AI  
Artificial intelligence continues to transform the engineering industry, and companies who effectively leverage the technology have a clear competitive advantage. Its most common current usage is in gathering and analyzing vast data sets at superhuman speed. While its ability to identify patterns and detect anomalies within millions of data points is impressive, it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that AI is a tool, not a one-size-fits-all solution. In this use case, success depends entirely on the quality and quantity of data input to train the algorithm.  

AI has been used widely to aid engineers in designing complex systems. A clear advantage in AI’s ability to rapidly simulate and test systems is that it nurtures human innovation. This potentially gives engineers the freedom to be more creative and to “fail” more productively. Ideally, AI will complement, not replace, humans in the workplace–performing menial tasks efficiently and fostering a culture of experimentation that leads to new ideas and inventions. Generative AI is here to stay, and as more firms embrace the technology its full potential will emerge. 

Reducing Technical Debt 
As your company grows, new tools and software are added to better help employees do their job. But it’s easy to lose track of which department uses which software and many companies end up buying multiple unnecessary licenses. Reducing your technical debt means consolidating these tools, finding more efficient technologies, and ensuring you are running the latest version of each. 

Technical debt is a business risk and it’s important to take a close look at your technology to find inefficiencies. As your tech stack grows, so does the likelihood that something will fail or become a security risk. Adopting newer, better technology will reduce overall costs, improve workflow and limit security risks. The more efficient your tech stack, the more likely you’ll stay on top of required updates to keep you and your staff safe. 

Internet of Things (IoT) 
In an environment increasingly driven by connectivity, the Internet of Things (IoT) has profoundly impacted the engineering industry. As the market expands, so does demand for expertise in the field. Device integration requires infrastructure solutions that facilitate the collection and transmission of data, and its processing for practical use.  

The ability to gather real-time data from an array of interconnected devices and sensors has given engineers unprecedented insights into systems, structures, and processes, allowing them to optimize operations and predict maintenance needs with greater accuracy.  IoT technology facilitates rapid testing and prototyping, giving engineers the ability to quickly iterate and refine designs. Preventative maintenance can be highly targeted, addressing issues before they become critical, and reducing downtime.  

IoT also plays a pivotal role in sustainable engineering. The proliferation of smart building systems that can adjust lighting, heating and cooling based on occupancy and environmental conditions has led to significant gains in energy efficiency. The demand for “green” technology in residential, commercial, and industrial settings will only continue to grow. Whether it’s optimizing traffic flow in smart cities or designing efficient supply chain networks, IoT insights enable engineers to make data-driven decisions that lead to better solutions. With applications for a wide spectrum of industries, from medicine to aviation to city power grids, IoT will continue to evolve in 2024. 

Prioritizing Cybersecurity 
Cybersecurity tops the list of challenges for engineering firms, and adopting a proactive approach to threat detection is crucial. As cyber-attacks become more sophisticated, the risks and potential consequences become more severe. Strict access control is essential to reduce risk and ensure that only authorized personnel can access critical systems and data. Multi-factor authentication and role-based access controls should be used to limit permissions.  

Regular software updates and patch management are important to limit vulnerability to cyber-attacks, and sensitive data should be encrypted when in transit or at rest. Network security should include a robust firewall, intrusion detection system, and intrusion prevention system, and regular updates to policies and configurations to stay ahead of emerging threats. A proactive approach to cybersecurity should include regular audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate weaknesses in security. 

Lastly, businesses need a comprehensive incident response plan that outlines the steps to take in a cyber-attack. The plan should include roles and responsibilities, communication protocols, and strategies for minimizing downtime. Cybersecurity is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment to safeguarding digital assets in a landscape of rapidly evolving threats. 

Addressing Remote Work Challenges 
Remote work has become a defining aspect of the modern workforce and though many companies have encouraged a post-Covid return to offices, a hybrid model will likely be the norm going forward. Along with its numerous benefits, remote work presents unique challenges for IT for engineering firms.  

First, collaboration is at the heart of many engineering projects, so investment in up-to-date infrastructure that includes collaborative tools and video conferencing is crucial. Regular check-ins and team meetings will help maintain community and create a virtual environment where ideas can be shared seamlessly. 

Ensuring that remote employees have secure access to software, data, and computing power is the second crucial component of the remote work puzzle. Engineering firms have increasingly implemented cloud-based solutions and the use of VPNs, as well as providing home-based workstations that can run resource-intensive applications.  

The third challenge to remote work is ensuring privacy and security. Giving remote workers access to intellectual property and sensitive client data means strict cybersecurity protocols must be in place. Training in best practices, secure password management, and avoiding phishing attempts should be mandatory for all employees. Remote work is here to stay and engineering firms that embrace it with strategic planning will be positioned for long-term success. 

Running a business means having a lot of plans – business plans, marketing plans, growth plans – but what about a business continuity plan? Your business continuity plan includes details on what you do if something goes wrong at your business. This could range from natural disasters to cyberattacks to hardware failures. You want to be prepared for anything that could go wrong, which will save you time and money in the long run.  

When it comes to your IT systems and data, having a solid business continuity plan helps you deal with issues when they arise and keeps your business on track. We know most people don’t think about their IT systems on a daily basis (except us) until it breaks down. And when that happens, what do you do?  

What Happens When IT Systems Fail?

As a business owner, do you know what steps to take if your IT systems suddenly aren’t working the way they should?  

Think about it:  

  • If your file server goes down and no one has access to company files, do you know what to do? 
  • Do you have a plan in place if one of your remote staff suddenly quits, and you need to retrieve your company equipment?  
  • How do you recover if someone on your team falls victim to a phishing scam and your company experiences a cyberattack?  

You may be thinking, there’s such a small chance of any of this happening that you’ll just deal with it if it ever happens. You can absolutely take that chance. But while you’re dealing with it when it does happen, your business will be at a standstill. You may not have access to your company data, finances, files, email, and more.  

Having a business continuity plan in place means you’ll know who to call, what to do, and how long it will take to get back up and running. You’ll know exactly what to do, and exactly what to tell your employees and your customers / clients.  

What does a business continuity plan include? 

1. Inventory of equipment and IT systems – Understanding the full scope of your IT systems is a crucial step to creating a business continuity plan. 

2. Threat analysis and risk assessment – Depending on what type of business you have, threats come from different directions. Knowing where those threats and risks may come from is necessary to create mitigation and recovery plans.  

3. Mitigation activities and strategies – There are steps your business can take to reduce risk (like providing cybersecurity training for employees), which may be required to get insurance coverage. 

4. Data backup and recovery plans – Having regular backups of your data can help get your business back up and running quickly if you lose access or data is accidentally deleted. 

5. Alternate work locations – One silver lining of COVID was the way companies adapted to a fully remote workforce. In your continuity plan, define alternative work locations for your employees to ensure your customer is taken care of. For those requiring physical plant, this may be developing key relationships within your industry to set up shop temporarily. 

6. Contact information for key personnel, suppliers, and IT teams (like us!) – Knowing who is in charge of your various IT systems and who to call will help expedite the process to get your business back on track after an issue.  

Once you create your plan, put it to the test! Once a year, spend a day scenario planning. QuickBooks has stopped working and all company financial data is missing. You realize someone or something has deleted the ‘Finance’ folder from your server. Was this an accident or is my business in the middle of a cyberattack? 

Most of the businesses we work with are not experts in IT, and that’s where we come in. We can help you create and implement a business IT continuity plan for in-house and remote teams. We can be your IT partner to ensure your systems stay up and running, and we’ll take care of your business if and when those systems go down.  

Let’s chat about your IT needs!