Business Continuity Plans for IT, and Why Your Business Needs One

Cyber Security IT Automation IT Planning & Recovery Managed IT

Running a business means having a lot of plans – business plans, marketing plans, growth plans – but what about a business continuity plan? Your business continuity plan includes details on what you do if something goes wrong at your business. This could range from natural disasters to cyberattacks to hardware failures. You want to be prepared for anything that could go wrong, which will save you time and money in the long run.  

When it comes to your IT systems and data, having a solid business continuity plan helps you deal with issues when they arise and keeps your business on track. We know most people don’t think about their IT systems on a daily basis (except us) until it breaks down. And when that happens, what do you do?  

What Happens When IT Systems Fail?

As a business owner, do you know what steps to take if your IT systems suddenly aren’t working the way they should?  

Think about it:  

  • If your file server goes down and no one has access to company files, do you know what to do? 
  • Do you have a plan in place if one of your remote staff suddenly quits, and you need to retrieve your company equipment?  
  • How do you recover if someone on your team falls victim to a phishing scam and your company experiences a cyberattack?  

You may be thinking, there’s such a small chance of any of this happening that you’ll just deal with it if it ever happens. You can absolutely take that chance. But while you’re dealing with it when it does happen, your business will be at a standstill. You may not have access to your company data, finances, files, email, and more.  

Having a business continuity plan in place means you’ll know who to call, what to do, and how long it will take to get back up and running. You’ll know exactly what to do, and exactly what to tell your employees and your customers / clients.  

What does a business continuity plan include? 

1. Inventory of equipment and IT systems – Understanding the full scope of your IT systems is a crucial step to creating a business continuity plan. 

2. Threat analysis and risk assessment – Depending on what type of business you have, threats come from different directions. Knowing where those threats and risks may come from is necessary to create mitigation and recovery plans.  

3. Mitigation activities and strategies – There are steps your business can take to reduce risk (like providing cybersecurity training for employees), which may be required to get insurance coverage. 

4. Data backup and recovery plans – Having regular backups of your data can help get your business back up and running quickly if you lose access or data is accidentally deleted. 

5. Alternate work locations – One silver lining of COVID was the way companies adapted to a fully remote workforce. In your continuity plan, define alternative work locations for your employees to ensure your customer is taken care of. For those requiring physical plant, this may be developing key relationships within your industry to set up shop temporarily. 

6. Contact information for key personnel, suppliers, and IT teams (like us!) – Knowing who is in charge of your various IT systems and who to call will help expedite the process to get your business back on track after an issue.  

Once you create your plan, put it to the test! Once a year, spend a day scenario planning. QuickBooks has stopped working and all company financial data is missing. You realize someone or something has deleted the ‘Finance’ folder from your server. Was this an accident or is my business in the middle of a cyberattack? 

Most of the businesses we work with are not experts in IT, and that’s where we come in. We can help you create and implement a business IT continuity plan for in-house and remote teams. We can be your IT partner to ensure your systems stay up and running, and we’ll take care of your business if and when those systems go down.  

Let’s chat about your IT needs!  

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Cybersecurity is a critical component in any organization, large or small. The increasing frequency and evolving nature of threats means that simply installing antivirus software or setting up a firewall isn’t enough. Security is an ongoing process that requires constant vigilance, regular updates, and proactive measures. As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), Nessit understands the complexities of maintaining robust cybersecurity and is dedicated to safeguarding your business. 

The Continuous Nature of Cybersecurity 

Unlike a one-time software installation, staying on top of your cybersecurity is a continuous process. Threats emerge rapidly, exposing new vulnerabilities and attack vectors. We ensure that security protocols are regularly updated, unusual activities are monitored, and adaptations are taken to address new threats. 

  • Regular Software Updates and Patches: Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software. Ongoing updates and patch management are essential to close security gaps and protect against potential attacks. 
  • Continuous Monitoring: Proactive monitoring of your network for suspicious activities can help detect and mitigate threats before they cause significant damage. An MSP provides 24/7 monitoring to ensure your systems are always protected. 
  • Security Audits and Assessments: Periodic security audits and assessments identify vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure, allowing for timely remediation. 

Staying a Step Ahead of Hackers

Hackers are always looking for new ways to breach security defenses. Staying a step ahead requires a combination of technology, education, and proactive strategies. 

  • Advanced Threat Detection: Your MSP can implement advanced threat detection tools like intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) to help identify and block malicious activities in real-time. 
  • Ongoing Employee Training and Awareness: Educating employees about cybersecurity best practices is crucial. Regular training sessions on recognizing phishing attempts, using strong passwords, and safe internet practices will significantly reduce the risk of a security breach. 
  • Incident Response Planning: Having a robust incident response plan ensures that your business can quickly and effectively respond to a security incident, minimizing damage and downtime. 

Spotting Phishing Attempts

Phishing remains one of the most common and effective methods used by cybercriminals. Employees are the most common point of entry to sensitive information, and the ability to identify phishing attempts is crucial to prevent data breaches. 

  • Recognizing Suspicious Emails: Be wary of emails from unknown senders, especially those that contain urgent requests, grammatical errors, or unusual links and attachments. These emails are getting harder and harder to spot, so staying vigilant is key.  
  • Verifying Links and Attachments: Always hover over links to see the actual URL before clicking and examine URLs and email addresses closely, as hackers often purchase domain names that are very similar to those of legitimate businesses, with a single letter changed. Never open attachments from unknown sources as they might contain malware. 
  • Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Organizations should implement MFA to add an extra layer of security. This makes it harder for attackers to access accounts even if they manage to steal login credentials. 

How Nessit Can Safeguard Your Businesss

Partnering with Nessit provides you with comprehensive cybersecurity solutions tailored to your organization’s specific needs. Our team brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in managing and mitigating cyber threats. We stay up to date on the latest cybersecurity trends and technologies, giving you the peace of mind to focus on your business, knowing that we have all the bases covered. 

  • Comprehensive Security Solutions: We provide a range of services, including firewall management, antivirus protection, data encryption, and secure backup solutions, to create a multi-layered defense strategy. 
  • Proactive Threat Management: With continuous monitoring and threat intelligence, we can identify and neutralize potential threats before they escalate into major incidents. 
  • Customized Security Policies: We help develop and implement customized security policies and procedures that align with your business objectives and regulatory requirements. 
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: In the event of a cyber-attack, we ensure that your business can recover quickly with effective disaster recovery and business continuity plans. 

Nessit isn’t your average MSP–we’re hands-on partners acting as an extension of your team. We understand that safeguarding your business is an ongoing process requiring constant attention, and we implement and maintain proactive measures to protect your digital assets. Don’t wait for a security breach to happen. By making cybersecurity a priority today, you can protect your business from tomorrow’s threats.  

Designing a cybersecurity program is complex, and expecting everyone within your organization to follow complicated policies is bound to fail. As with most things, simpler is better. At Nessit, experience has taught us that easy-to-understand cybersecurity policies are the most effective, and as cyber threats become more sophisticated, protecting sensitive data has never been more critical. Data breaches can have devastating consequences, including lost productivity, damage to reputations, and potential lawsuits. 

The risk of neglecting cybersecurity may be compounded as new legislation is continually introduced across the country to incentivize data security. Florida’s recent Cybersecurity Incident Liability Act (HB 473) would have offered immunity to companies that suffer data breaches–but only under certain conditions. Contingent on compliance with Florida’s data breach notification law and cybersecurity measures that meet defined standards, this legislation provides companies significant legal protection. Governor DeSantis vetoed the bill in late June saying in a press release, “the bill could result in Floridians’ data being less secure as the bill provides across-the-board protections for only substantially complying with standards.” 

While this bill hasn’t passed, many states are implementing new legislation regarding consequences for businesses for not properly protecting your customer data.  

Many businesses simply don’t see the value or feel daunted by the prospect of implementing a complex cybersecurity program. That’s where a Managed IT Provider can help. At its core, cybersecurity is about designing and maintaining policies and technologies that prevent unauthorized access to valuable company data. Nessit believes that the best way to do this is to introduce straightforward policies that are directly tied to their real-life impact.  

Here are a few examples of how companies can frame cybersecurity measures to clearly explain their importance: 

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

We enforce Multi-factor authentication because passwords are compromised faster than companies can keep up with. MFA adds an additional layer of security beyond just a password, making it significantly harder for attackers to gain access. 

Device Encryption

We mandate device encryption because we have seen the forgotten laptop at TSA without its owner. Encrypting all company devices ensures that even if a device is lost or stolen, the data remains secure. 

Disabling Former Employee Accounts

We ensure past employee accounts are disabled the day they leave because breakups aren’t easy and company data is invaluable. This prevents former employees from accessing sensitive information after their departure, reducing the risk of data theft or sabotage. 

While HB 473 could have provided real benefits to businesses, it can also present challenges. Companies would have to demonstrate compliance with the law’s provisions. Adherence to requirements of cybersecurity industry standards would have been carefully scrutinized. Businesses would need to be proactive in documenting their program’s compliance to mitigate potential legal risks. This requires time and expertise that many companies just don’t have, but Managed IT Providers can help navigate the challenges. 

Nessit’s comprehensive cybersecurity services include: 

  • Risk Assessment: Regularly evaluating an organization’s cybersecurity measures to identify and address vulnerabilities. 
  • Policy Development: Creating clear, understandable policies that are easy for employees to follow 
  • Training: Educating employees about cybersecurity best practices and the importance of these policies. 
  • Continuous Monitoring: 24/7 monitoring to ensure a quick response to potential threats. 
  • Compliance Assistance: Making sure cybersecurity measures meet industry standards and legal requirements. 

Cybersecurity doesn’t have to be complicated for business owners. The right Managed IT Provider can simplify the process, implementing and maintaining effective policies that ensure your company’s security. Partnering with our team provides the expertise and resources to protect your data and gives you peace of mind. In our interconnected world, having robust cybersecurity is a strategic advantage that protects you from threats and positions your company for long term success. Prepare now for future legislation that could have negative impacts on your business if you’re not ready for them.  

Your business relies on digital technology, and as cyberthreats evolve and become more advanced, protecting your data with proactive, robust security measures has never been more important. A data breach can have a catastrophic effect on your company’s finances, productivity, and reputation, and may involve legal repercussions if industry regulations have been violated. Many of the threats businesses need to guard against originate in the internet realm known as the “Dark Web,” a breeding ground for criminal activity and a marketplace for stolen data. 

The “Surface Web” that we all frequent is made up of public websites with indexed information accessible by search engines. There, internet use is tracked (via cookies and other methods) to create a “digital footprint” unique to each user. This footprint contains identifying information about online behavior, including geographical location and browsing history. Most of the tracked data is legally obtained and utilized for targeted marketing purposes. Hence, your online search for a particular sneaker results in a barrage of sneaker ads that follow you across multiple platforms. 

What exactly is the Dark Web and what kind of information is available there?

The Dark Web is made up of encrypted sites that are only accessible using special software, providing a platform for anonymous–and often illegal–communication and transactions. This aptly named corner of the internet is home to scores of botnet servers responsible for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, identity theft, phishing scams, and spam emails, and serves as a repository for the illegally-obtained information. The data available for purchase on the Dark Web ranges from personally identifiable information (PII) like names, birth dates, and Social Security numbers, to financial data, like online banking passwords and stolen credit cards, to medical data that includes patient prescription history and test results, to confidential corporate data such as Intellectual Property (IP), patents, and other proprietary information. 

If your businesses login credentials are circulating on the Dark Web, you’re at risk. Login information opens the door to unauthorized access of your networks and systems, where cybercriminals may steal data for resale and infect computers with malware that can cripple operations. 

Is my business at risk?

Small-to-medium sized businesses, who may not prioritize cybersecurity–are especially vulnerable to attacks that can expose employee credentials and sensitive company data on the Dark Web. Studies show that 123456 continues to be the most commonly-used password. Other weak passwords that incorporate names, birthdates, or other personal details are easily cracked using one of the widely available password-cracking tools. No matter the size or nature of your business, if you’re online you’re at risk and should take precautions to prevent data theft. Often smaller companies lack the personnel or expertise to properly safeguard sensitive data, and this is where using a managed IT service can be invaluable to your business. 

How do I know if company information is already on the Dark Web?

Managed IT services have tools available that will conduct a scan of the Dark Web to determine if your company’s data has been compromised. If employee credentials or other sensitive information is found on the Dark Web, there’s no way to tell whether it’s already been copied or sold, so removal doesn’t remove risk. The first step to mitigate the impact of a breach is to immediately make the stolen information irrelevant. This means changing all company passwords, and implementing second factor authentication or using a secure password manager. Weak or reused passwords are the most common vulnerability that criminals exploit. Managed IT services can help your business manage damage control, implement security protocols, and safeguard against future data breaches.

What can I do to protect my business from cyberattacks?

Employee Education

The first line of defense for every business is education, and its importance cannot be overstated. Comprehensive training to make sure employees understand the tactics used in data theft–including phishing scams and social engineering–is crucial, as is emphasizing the importance of password protection. Teaching employees at every level of your organization how to recognize and avoid potential cyberattacks will go a long way toward safeguarding your data.

Secure Devices

With many employees now working remotely, individual devices also pose a security risk. Your IT service will ensure that all devices connected to your network, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and phones, are protected with endpoint security solutions like antivirus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. Employees should be educated about the use of secure wifi networks, VPNs, and encrypted communication to keep company information safe. 

Access Control and Monitoring

Another priority is the implementation of strict access control. Define which employees can access sensitive data like financial information or customer records, based on their job roles and responsibilities. Even with these controls in place, round-the-clock monitoring is essential in order to catch any suspicious activity. 

Proactive Prevention and Rapid Response

An IT management service can provide ongoing Dark Web monitoring that will routinely scan illicit platforms in search of your company data. This is a complex process that is best left to trained professionals, as accessing the Dark Web can unintentionally lead to increased security risk. Should a breach be detected, your service provider will have a rapid response plan in place to address potential problems before they can escalate into a crisis.

Don’t wait until your company’s sensitive information becomes a commodity on the Dark Web. The long term damage to your business from a data breach far outweighs the cost and effort involved to prevent one. We live in an age where robust and proactive security measures are essential in protecting your data. Partnering with a professional IT management service will provide peace of mind with the knowledge that all your bases are covered.